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VVmpeg is a simple wrapper library to utilize frequently used FFmpeg as a DLL type in Windows. VVmpeg can be easily employed to programs since it provides the functions of FFmpeg as a DLL file type where previous FFmpeg is provided with console programs made with exe files. Therefore, it is also possible to make libraries from a tool such as FFmpeg into a form of a program containing GUI.

Download VVmpeg Distributed File(ver 1.0.1)

Installation : Download the latest version and unzip the files. Copy them to the desired directory in order to complete installation.


License - Copyright(C) 2008-2018, VVmpeg.net

VVmpeg is a software developed from revising FFmpeg(http://ffmpeg.org)and FFmpeg’s license complies with LGPL. lgpl-2.1txt included in the downloaded distributed file can be referred to as for LGPL license. The source code of revised VVmpeg can be downloaded from http://www.vvmpeg.net.

The copyright for VVmpeg belongs to VVmpeg.net and VVmpeg conforms to GNU LGPL (Lesser General Public License). The conformity checklists are as follows.

- In case of distributing a software applying VVmpeg, the copyright must be indicated and conformity to LGPL must be mentioned.
- VVmpeg is distributed and expected to be a useful tool. However, it does not provide any guarantees including an implied guarantee of suitability for a certain purpose or sale.
- The source code for the library must be revealed if the source code for VVmpeg is modified.
- It is not necessary to reveal the source code for application programs when VVmpeg is linked to them (both static and dynamic linking). However, the object code for the application program must be provided in case of static linking so that a user can create the same exe file after revising libraries.

For more details about license, you can refer to the following LGPL and FFmpeg websites.



Started the first version on April 2nd, 2008
Developed the revised DLL file capable of exporting the functions related to encoding outside of DLL.
Added a function of MP3 encoding by using LAME.
Added a function of FAAC encoding for MP4 files by using LIBFAAC.
Developed the DLL adapted to Windows OS after revising the script in MAKE of FFmpeg (Requires complete compiling).

April 22nd, 2008
Launched website, http://s250790860.onlinehome.us/.

June 25th, 2008
Added variables in order to count video frames in process of encoding.
Added Callback function pointer.
Added a function of calling out Callback function in process of encoding.

July 22nd, 2008
Change the build configuration.

July 25th, 2008
Launched website, http://www.vvmpeg.net/.

July 28th, 2008
Updated FFmpeg source (Applied the latest FFmpeg source code as of July 28th).
Added a function capable of obtaining more detailed video information, GetMovieInfo2(Still provides the previous function of GetMovieInfo).

September 9th, 2009
Changed the use of existing Shared dll to another and designed to use the only one file of VVmpeg.dll.
Sample program changed for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

November 10th, 2010
Uploaded the file after editing some parts of the examples and source code.

November 17th, 2010
Updated FFmpeg source (Applied the latest FFmpeg source code as of November 17th).
Used Ubuntu 64 bit 9.04 version for Build configuration and changed it to the method for cross compiling in Linux.

November 19th, 2010
Tested the cross compiled VVmpeg.dll module in Ubuntu 9.04 version.
Added a function capable of checking the version of VVmpeg module to the sample program.

January 22nd, 2011
Uploaded the version made on November 19th, 2010 and modified the link.
Launched English website.

February 10th, 2011
Revised the source as a registered version with better stability.(FFmpeg 0.6.1 version)
Added return function for the internal version of VVmpeg.(Current Version 1.0.1)
Added the supported format and the file explaining options.(Formats.txt, Help.txt)

February 11th, 2011
Uploaded 1.0.1 version and modified the link.

Use of VVmpeg

You can refer to the sample program which could be downloaded regarding the use of VVmpeg.


Source Code
Version of June 25th, 2008, Version of July 22nd, 2008, Version of July 28th, 2008, Version of September 9th, 2009, Version of November 19th, 2010, ver 1.0.1(February 10th, 2011)

Distributed File
Version of July 22nd, 2008, Version of July 28th, 2008, Version of September 9th, 2009, Version of November 19th, 2010, ver 1.0.1(February 10th, 2011)

Sample Program
VVmpeg Sample Program



- VVmpeg will be revised if you report improvements or bugs.
- Programs applying VVmpeg will be introduced on this web site if you send us the name of program, brief description and URL. Thank you for using VVmpeg.

Applications of VVmpeg

- Applied to products developed by SOURCENEXT in Japan.
- Applied to koolCAM developed by IBsystems in Korea.
- Applied to liteCam developed by innoheim.
- Applied to other various projects.

Last updated on Feb 11, 2011
Copyright(C) 2008-2018, All the rights for the web site, http://www.vvmpeg.net belong to VVmpeg.net.